Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Aug. 25, 2009---"Dream Manor" sure looked peaceful in the still morning water at Kenlake Marina.

I slipped over to Cindy's Restaurant and had a couple of really good, big pancakes while brother was sleeping. He won't know unless he reads the blog!

We said goodbye to Buell. He is a fine gentleman and rightfully proud of his well maintained 24 year old boat the "Dale B".

Hardly any activity as we pulled out of the marina.

First thing immediately downstream of the marina is U.S. Highway 68 bridge'

The water is so still it appears to go on forever.

So little air was stirring that a sailboat was traveling under power.

At mile 25.3 we turned port to pass thru the "land Between the Lakes" from Kentucky lake to Lake Barkley.

Before turning Kentucky Lock could be seen in the distance at mile 22.4. This dam creates the Kentucky lake and backs up water 184 miles. It is TVA's largest reservoir and the largest artificial lake in the Eastern United States.
The mileage means the dam is located 22.4 miles from the Ohio River where the Tennessee River ends at Paducah, KY.

Upon arrival at Green Turtle Bay the first order of business the fuel dock for a pump out and took on 200 gallons of diesel.

This is the office building at the fuel dock. Once the chores were done we tied up in an assigned slip and settled in until Thursday.

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