Wednesday, July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009---Late morning the rain had mostly passed and we decided to make a few miles. Before leaving Blue Springs Resort it seemed important to feed the carp. (See the video below.) The badly damaged prop hanging dockside at the office is quite the attention getter. Notice the wording on the plaque! Certified and Calibrated Series 4000 Depth Finder. A touch of humor!

At mile 532.5 on the Tennessee River turned starboard and went 5 miles up Piney River just to look. It is a nice area and the side trip was enjoyable. Turned around and went back down to the Tennessee River. Operated the boat from inside the cabin due to occasional sprinkles and it was somewhat windy. Just above the Watts Bar Lock near 529.9 miles we chose to go a short way into Lowe Branch Creek and anchor in a protected cove. Total distance traveled today was 27.8 miles. Toward evening the weather cleared to mostly sunshine.

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