Saturday, April 30, 2011


Apr. 30, 2011---A ride in the dinghy provided an opportunity to take pictures that show the change in the water level. Notice the island is covered and the entrance sign is looking smaller. Soon the turtle will be swimming!

Morning shot of the walkway shows people crossing on planks. In the past 24 hours water elevation rose another 2.35 feet. TVA reported elevation at 368.95 feet. Readings being used on this blog are those taken at 9:00 a.m.

Dream Manor is now looking even with the parking lot.

Ship store is soon to have water on the inside of the building. Merchandise has been picked up from the bottom two shelves and stored up higher.

Another look at the Dream Manor shows the relationship to the parking area.

Another comparison shot looking at the Yacht Club behind the fuel dock. Previous photos show how much deeper the water on the stairs.

Took this view under the Yacht Club to see how it compares in the next few days. If water level continues to rise as predicted the floating dock will be wedged up against the concrete support.

Boat Work's building is looking more submerged. Boats in "dry dock" may be in danger of floating off their stands.

Another view of boats on stands.

Boat on stands.

Sailboat behind Boat Work's shop appears to be sunken.

1 comment:

RoN Friend said...

Well I thought it is time to post my first comment. My how high the water is. If it is like this @ Turtle Creek I can only imagine what it is like @ Manhattan Harbour on the Ohio river in Dayton Kentucky. Our boats in dry dock are still high and dry. My houseboat "Bet-Cha" is sitting in her slip waiting for my arrival, Wishing you a safe journey this year on the waterways wherever the Dream Manor takes you. Maybe I will see you this year.