July 31, 2009---What a day! Sometime during the night wind caused the anchor to drag. Upon awakening we were deeper in the cove and nearly against a bank. It was still raining and wind
blowing with strong force. Attempted to weigh anchor and found the chain was wrapped around a water logged tree trunk. Unable to lift the tangled mess we maneuvered to the fuel dock at Shady Grove Harbor across the main channel. After some attempts in the strong wind we secured the boat to the dock. This made it possible to get the heavy, 10’ tree untangled from the anchor chain. 
After the storm passed we pumped out the holding tank and headed downstream. Went thru the Chickamauga lock at mile 471. After lowering 48’ continued downstream to Chattanooga at Max Marine mile 463.5. This lock is 5800' long and total height is 129'. Construction began in 1936 and completed in 1940. The Chickamauga Lake extends above the dam back to Watts Bar Dam a distance of 59 miles.
Before arriving in Chattanooga the generator went down on high temperature. Short trip today of 24 miles. Tied up to the wall in front of the Tennessee Aquarium. It is not an easy place to tie up a 59’ boat because of the spacing and thickness of the vertical supports.
However it is scenic with the grassy park and bridges. Certainly an active area. Lots of foot traffic as many folks enjoy looking at all the boats tied along the wall. One such family is the Halls from Atlanta, GA. They looked closely at our stationary dog that seems so real. We sure enjoyed visiting with them.
Changed out the water pump impeller on the generator. Found all 4 missing pieces on the inlet to the heat exchanger. Ran the generator to make sure temperature was okay. Looked good at normal operating condition of 177 degrees.
Before arriving in Chattanooga the generator went down on high temperature. Short trip today of 24 miles. Tied up to the wall in front of the Tennessee Aquarium. It is not an easy place to tie up a 59’ boat because of the spacing and thickness of the vertical supports.
However it is scenic with the grassy park and bridges. Certainly an active area. Lots of foot traffic as many folks enjoy looking at all the boats tied along the wall. One such family is the Halls from Atlanta, GA. They looked closely at our stationary dog that seems so real. We sure enjoyed visiting with them.
Changed out the water pump impeller on the generator. Found all 4 missing pieces on the inlet to the heat exchanger. Ran the generator to make sure temperature was okay. Looked good at normal operating condition of 177 degrees.
Hello McGees - It was a pleasure visiting with you yesterday evening. The kids really enjoyed your "very still" dog. Christy and I are now replanning our retirement - that may include a houseboat. Best of luck in the waterways of TN. Thanks for the mention in the blog..kids loved that also. God Bless - the Halls
You guys have finally caught something! You may not be able to filet it, but it sure is a weigher.
Be safe and have fun,
Ron G.
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