July 21, 2009---Notice this is still the 21st. Leaving the Blockhouse site we went up Nine Mile Creek 1/4 mile to see the Tellico Marina. Found the restuarant to be closed. Traveled back to the Little Tennessee River and crossed into the Tellico River. Checked at a new devlopment on the starboard side and found the deli was not yet open. Continued up the Tellico River under Highway 360 bridge and to the end of the island where the Sequoyah Museum is located. From here the second cut on the starboard side is Notchy Creek. About 1 1/4 mile up the creek Rasar Landing is located on the starboard side. (Total distance on the Tellico River is just 2.5 miles before entering Notchy Creek.) If traveling in a large craft note the Highway 360 bridge clearance is about 33'. You will need to anchor in Notchy creek and dingy to Rasar Landing or anchor as we did, just on the south side of Fort Loudoun and take the dingy thru the small boat pass under highway 360. Total distance from Fort Loudoun to Rasar Landing is 3.7 miles.

There are two coves separated by a point of land with two concrete boat launches. The coves are about 4' to 6' deep which makes for a great swimming area. We pulled up to the bank and tied to a post. Another boat was tied to a tree. The deli was open! We enjoyed some fine sandwiches and topped it off with icecream bars. The store is very clean nicely arranged with a good stock of snacks and fishing supplies.

Met Jean Beech the manager of Rasar landing. She can be reached by phone at 423-884-6378. Her email site is: bbeech4103@aol.com

The RV park had quite a number of vehicles with folks enjoying the numerous shady trees.
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