July 9, 2009---Time to do some boating. Keith turned in the rental car and we prepared to move. Travel up the Tennessee River today was very pleasant with a little breeze and temperature at 80 degrees. A distance of 45 miles was covered in 6 hrs. Around every bend could be seen beautiful homes. Many of them have boat docks of some kind. These pictures are just a sample of some of those "little" homes. 

The house with all the stairs and terrace walls does not look quite as impressive from the river as it did from land. This is the first Historic home called "Cresent Bend" we visited on July 7th.

As we approached Knoxville, TN the bridge with the large cement supports is highway 441 (Chapman Highway). Volunteer Landing is a public dock located immediately in front of that bridge on the downstream side. After the boat is docked the Southern railroad bridge can be seen behind the boat, also the Neyland Stadium. Along side is the sight seeing passenger train called "Three Rivers Rambler". White railings line the Riverside Walkway which leads to Calhouns Restaurant upstream of the large concrete bridge and just downstream from the Gay Street Bridge. It is not nearly as far away as the pictures makes it appear. The Gay street bridge is a green color. There is no electric or water available at this dock, but with our own water supply and generator we will be okay for the next night or two.

My geography is getting so much better! Happy trails (or wakes or whatever you boaters call it).
Enjoying your blog!
Thanks for the information on Real Estate. I REALLY like those manisons along the river, but don't think my meger wages/savings would support such a purchase. I image the price tag is in the millions. 80 degrees sounds great, compaired to the 100's in Houston.
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