Thursday, August 22, 2013


Aug. 21, 2013---What is that saying about "best made plans". Well in boating they are subject to change without notice. Had visions of making it to Mississippi River today. Not so, generator refuses to start. There are no pleasure craft marinas for the next 250 miles. Therefore the generator is essential. Did troubleshooting for several hours. Finally called Kohler service tech and made arrangements for an on site tech tomorrow afternoon. Got an Enterprise rental vehicle (jeep) and went to Comfort Inn & Suites for a room with electricity, TV and Internet. You know, all the creature comforts we have come to enjoy! Also learned lock #52 was out of service. It is located a short way down river from Poducah. Had trouble getting the gate up and river level was dropping. Apparently went into operation shortly before dark as there were many tows above and below the lock as we drove over the river to Metropolis, Illinois. Home of Superman! However our goal was Harrahs Casino for some gaming and dinner. About 10:00 p.m. Keith and Allen went back to the boat to check tie lines. Figured with lock and dam back in service the river level would be rising. Sure enough river level was higher. Had to wade through water to reach walkway leading to the barge that is being used as a wharf. Frequently refer to boating as endless entertainment!
Sunrise on Ohio River

As sun begins to set notice how much rock is exposed
below the walkway accessing the wharf. It will look
different in the morning.

"BB" wonders what is really going on.

Allen & "BB" , moon is seen behind a rail.

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