10/9/08---Another day of boat maintenance. Finally got the fuel filter changed on the generator. It has been quite a test getting the correct filter for the Kohler generat

or. The filter is a RayCor! We are told this is an up grade that was done at the factory.
The evening was very pleasant as we attended a meeting of the Power Squadron held at

the Duck Club.

The meal was very good! The people were great, and we sure enjoyed visiting.
After the meeting Bill Morris presented us with our certificates of completion for the Boating Course we had taken. He then did a slide show of a boat trip he had taken with Capt Greg Sadowski. Bi

ll joined the crew at the Woodland Marina as the Skipper Liner was being delivered from Lacrosse to Baltimore via the Mississippi River, Gulf of Mexico and the Intercoastal Waterway across Florida and up the east coast. He had some wonderful pictures that were taken all along the trip. During his presentation his wife (Marilyn) joined u

s at the table. She had seen the slides several times and provided her insight on some of the

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