Sep. 2, 2013---Another big 10 hour day. Awakened by hard rain at 4:00 a.m. thinking this is not good. Lucky the rain quit about 5:30 a.m. Started engines, disconnected from shore power and made final preparations for departure from Bay Springs. With aid of flashlights and searchlight we untied from the T-dock and moved out on the dark water at 5:50 a.m. Occasional lightning helped to illuminate the channel markers. Made way to the main channel and entered the Whitten lock. Having called ahead the gate was open. All day the lockmasters were very helpful and opened the gates as we approached each lock. Went through 7 locks in 77 miles in 10 hours. Just below Amory lock about mile 369.5 there were 3 barges floating unattended in middle of channel. Attempted to slowly pass on the right descending bank. Nearly got in trouble as the water depth went to 2 feet and props were digging in the mud even though it was still about 30 feet to the bank. Lucky to get back in channel and go around the barges on left descending bank. Stayed very close to barges and got past in water depth of 12 feet. West side is sanded in because of work area on east side of river where tugs push barges up against the bank. Prop wash from tugs has narrowed the channel. What a workout today! Arrived Columbus Marina at 4:00 p.m. Glad to be tied up for the night.
Whitten Lock |
Columbus Marina office |
Before sunset |
Sunset |
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