The day started out pretty nice here in Green Turtle Bay with sunshine, warmth, & humidity. Later in the afternoon black clouds started to travel rapidly overhead. That evening we were treated to a spectacular light show complete with thunder, driving rain, strong wind, and tornado sirens! Dream Manor was rocking pretty good! Luckily we were just on the fringes of a tornado which actually touched down by Memphis. Never a dull day on the river!
Monday, May 30, 2011
The day started out pretty nice here in Green Turtle Bay with sunshine, warmth, & humidity. Later in the afternoon black clouds started to travel rapidly overhead. That evening we were treated to a spectacular light show complete with thunder, driving rain, strong wind, and tornado sirens! Dream Manor was rocking pretty good! Luckily we were just on the fringes of a tornado which actually touched down by Memphis. Never a dull day on the river!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
May 23, 2011---Keith stays real busy performng upkeep tasks on the boat. Got the new house batteries installed with some assistance from Boat Works. After much agony and study on the hot water heater he found a broken wire that has been the problem all along. The cook is much happier with hot water readily available in the galley. Keith proudly installed a new American flag on the mast mounted high on the radar arch. With the water level back down to a comfortable level marina personnel are busy cleaning and repairing from the flood damage. TVA reports a water level of 360.1 feet elevation which is down 12.4 feet from the crest. Anchor and lines we loaned them to secure the docks during high water have been returned. Boater activity is expectd to increase this holiday weekend.
May 22, 2011---Maryann went to the Cincinnati area for a few days for some Juice Plus+ events and trainings. Before returning home, she visited our boating friend, Ron Friend, at the Manhattan Harbor Marina. As you can see by the pictures, the water is still very high there. B dock is the only walkway that wasn’t covered by the flood waters of the Ohio River.
May 17, 2011---Keith and Maryann returned to Dream Manor, still docked where we left her in Green Turtle Bay Marina. As you can see by the photo, our dock walkway ha
s once more re-emerged from the water! The river level here seems to be what it was pre-flood stage. Mother Nature is still alternating between sunshine and rain with frequent thunderstorm warnings.
May 16, 2011---On Monday Keith and Maryann drove to a Harley dealer in Knoxville, where Keith bought a new pair of boots. While there, they also bought a raffle ticket on a new HD Street Glide motorcycle. Representatives of the Winston-Salem HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter said they actually donate the raffle proceeds to the program that flies WWII Veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their Memorial. Keith & Maryann said they would happily give them some PR on the 4 McGees’ boating blog. After leaving there, they drove to the Gibson plant in Portland, TN, to pick up four new house batteries for Dream Manor. It was nice talking with the Gibson owners, but the depressed economy is hitting the houseboat business hard.
May 14-15, 2011---Keith decided to take a side-trip to North Carolina on the way back to Dream Manor, just because he had never been there. He and Maryann spent the weekend in Winston-Salem sight-seeing. On Sunday they attended a Greek Festival, where they ate yummy food, shouted Opah! while watching costumed children dancing, and toured a beautiful Greek Orthodox church. Maryann snapped a picture of the Wake Forest University Medical Center, which is currently investigating the effects of Juice Plus+ on nutritional status and various markers of cell health. The research is being funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A quick picture of water flowing from the Kentucky Dam on the Tennessee River. Downstream is just a froth from all the turbulance.
Typical view of water along the road. This was taken just outside Memphis. The Mississippi River has spread out covering lots of farmland and causing severe flooding problems.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dream Manor just pays no attention to the water level. Only the crew notices looking out the cabin window we are higher than the cars on land.
Larger boats that were in the dry dock area began to float.Last of them were moved and tied to the floating docks.
Remember when Keith was standing under the Yacht Club. Now the floating dock is forced up against the concrete supports.
Monday, May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011---Two photos for water level camparison. Elevation of Barkley Lake is now 370.75 feet. An increase of .70 to a total of 12.10 feet. Dream Manor now seems to be above the parking area. Keith's two seater bicycle is waiting for warm weather. It rained most all la
Even the Great Blue Heron seems unhappy about the dreary weather.
Water level got so high that boats on jacks in "dry dock" began floating. Marina employees used a small work boat to push the floating boats over to dock slips where they were tied down for control.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Getting closer to the bottom of the elevated structures. Should be okay though as the dams are releasing more water and the level is more stable.
Drove to Paducah for groceries. crossed over the Ohio river into Illinois to check out the flooding. The large bridge crossed the river but all the low lands on either side are covered with water nearly up to the road.
This older power line is not far above the water.
Short trip into Illinois.
Returned to Kentucky. Checked out the retaining wall in Paducah. All the gates are in place and there is no way to see how high the water is behind the wall. Must be some pressure because there was a place where the water was coming up thru a crack in the sidewalk. It looked like a little fountain.
Baby geese seemed unconcerned that it has rained off and on all day.
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