During today’s lull in rainstorms, Maryann went to the Community Center in downtown Grand Rivers to set up a display table during the 13th Annual Quilt Show. (According to the locals, this quilt show has entrants from all over the U.S. and is held at the same time as the one in Paducah.) Maryann heard that one of this year’s Grand River quilts was the Grand Prize Winner last year in Paducah! Here is a sampling of some of the quilts that are being displayed. The Quilt Show starts tomorrow, April 27
No, Maryann has not taken up quilting. Here is a shot of part of her display. She is educating folks about improved nutrition and sharing a business opportunity with those who are interested. If you are in this neck of the woods, stop by and say “hi” to her and enjoy a
Hello McGees, sorry you are having such lousy weather. It has been in the 70's, sunny and clear here in Bakersfield. Supposed to be 80+ this weekend. Hope your weather clears up soon so you can enjoy being on the river again. The quilt show looks interesting, some people are just soooo telented, and Maryann, hope your display brings some interest to eating healthy and/or Juice Plus !!! Miss Vicki
Thanks for your good wishes, Miss Vicki. We would LOVE some of your CA weather - send it over! I'm having fun introducing JP+ to folks in these parts; most have not heard of it here.
Love, M 0:-)
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