Oct. 12, 2009---Light rain this morning. Heard a boat call for downstream lockage at Wilkins Lock. Dream Manor and Sweet Dreams figured it would be a courtesy to the lock

if we would join now instead of waiting any longer. Raised anchor and entered the lock at mile 376.3. "Veda L" joined us and three boats traveled together thru the next two locks. Amory lock at 371.6 and Aberdeen lock at 357.5. Each of these three locks lowered us about 30 feet. Just down from the last lock there was lots of barge activity. The tug captains were most courteous and shut down long enough for the three of us to get by them. After Aberdeen we let the Veda L pass us and we stayed with Sweet Dreams as planned. Several side streams feeding into TomBigBee were flowing rapidly and the amount of trash increased. We had to pick our way thru the floating debris. It was a relief to reach Columbus Marina at mile 335. Cruised 41.3 miles today. It seemed appropriate to

ach Columbus, MS on Columbus Day!

Folks along the bank admired the "Dream Manor".
1 comment:
Columbus Day first became an official state holiday in Colorado in 1906, and became a federal holiday in 1934. However, people have celebrated Columbus' voyage since the colonial period
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