2/3/09-2/6/09---Having returned from Florida, Fed 3rd was spent doing laundry and repacking. The national weather map showed favorable conditions throughout the Midwest. Winter is not the best time to travel to WY, but when it gets really nice it will be time to go boating. I left Youngsville on the 4th and drove 600 miles to Oklahoma City. I spent the night with a good friend Phil Iverson

. The next day he took some time off from work and we visited the Memorial Museum. It makes the heart heavy to be on the soil where the Alfred P. Murrah

Federal building once stood. The bombing of this building on April 19, 1995 killed 168 men, women and children. The Field of Empty Chairs symbolizes the loss of life. The 19 smaller chairs represent the children that lost their lives. Phil looks somb

er by the Reflecting Pool. The Survivor Tree is an American elm over 90 years old. It stands as a symbol of human resilience. After that experience we went to the Western Gallery. It is a wonderful museum that depicts Indian histo
ry, migration of settlers and emphasizes the great American cowboys and rodeo legends. There is lots of great art, gun collections and bronze figures. The End of The Trail sculpture is awesome, and of course John Wayne and Abraham Lincoln are easy to recognize. I spent the night again at Phil’s nice home. Feb 6th was travel day and a long day it was. I

spent nearly 12 hours on the road traveling out of Oklahoma, thru Kansas and Colorado into Wyoming. I ended the 800 mile day in Cheyenne. A nights rest was very we

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