2/24/09---In Louisiana, Mardi Gras is celebrated each year with thousands o
f people lining the streets of many of the cities to watch parades. Costumes are also an important part of the celebration. On the last day, Lafayette has a costume judging prior to the final 3 parades of the season. One of the mcgees looks forward to participating in the competition! If you guessed Carol is the one in the pictures, you are correct! This years theme was "Sportsmans Paradise" for which the State is well known. She accented her costu
me with an alligator hat, a net on her back displaying various fishing lures, a net full of crab, fish, shrimp, crawfish and any other critter she could find. She wore the camouflage boots and shorts and towed a duck to represent the hunters. Certainly a crowd pleaser as the judges awarded her "Best Theme".