6/20/08---Rather peaceful day. Drove around looking at high water and did a little shopping.
6/19/08---The temporary wooden walkways were built to elevate foot traffic abov
6/18/09---A short road trip toward Wood River to see the locks was very interesting. We learned they are not the Alton locks. The correct name is Melvin Price Locks and Dam. This is number 26 of 29 locks on the Mississippi.
6/17/08---What a change in viewing! We are positioned on one of the outside slips because of boat length. The river is closed to recreational boaters, but there is still some limited commercial traffic.
Now and then a tow of barges moves slowly beyon
d the rock wall that protects the marina from excessive wake. This spot also provides a clear view of the highway 67 bridge over the river. Looking easterly over the bow, the Alton Locks can b
e seen. Looking from the stern westerly is the Argosy Casino. Trul
y a great place to share your money! HaHa. The town is like a step back in time. The buildings are very old and rustic with a lot of character. Clear blue skys and a great vie
w of the river makes this an enjoyable location. Maryann returned from her brisk morning walk. She said it is neat to have a new area to explore. The resident baby ducks are being gaurded closelyby the mother. Be sure to click a time or two on the picture of the bridge, you will see Carol & Allen on the Dream Manor.
We drove to Grafton along the senic bluffs. Upon arrival very few places were open. Hiway 101 is closed due
Enroute back to Alton it was necessary to stop for a picture of the Piasa Bird (pronounced “Pie-a-saw”). Legend has it the beast lived in a cave and preyed on the Illini Indians. After years of trying to kill the giant bird, the chief had a vision and a great plan was formed. They used one Indian as bait, while the
6/16/08---Figured I had best provide a little update. The mighty Mississippi has risen another 1 1/2’ since I last wrote 3 days ago. It is expected to rise another 5 1/
6/13/08---Friday the 13th. There is a sense of urgency around the marina as the “River” continues to rise slow and steady. The level rises about ½ foot each day and flooding begins to spread. (It appears to be rising more rapidly today). Weather reports are showing more rain. The dock crew is busy moving boats that are up on jack stands farther away from the water. These boats are in various states of repair. Some owners of smaller boats are getting them out of the water to have them available for other locations. The concern is that when the access road goes under water, the marina will be shut down. The dock crew picked up the water well house and moved it to a higher location. Another crew is checking all the electric boxes and lines to make sure there is plenty of slack to keep the boats in the slips connected to shore power as the water rises. The oiffice is now very active as files and furniture are being picked up. We just look out the window and watch is the water rises toward our vehicles.
When shall we move? Where to go?
Maryann is working on her “Juice Plus” presentation. Carol is still working on her Mother’s taxes, having filed for a late return. Keith is on the phone like a salesman in communication with oilfield people in California. Guess who is working on this blog.
6/11/08---A better day. Excitement held in check as Carol & Allen celebrate their 45th wedding anniversay. The couple enjoyed the evening out.
6/10/08---What a day! At 6:30 a.m. we washed the windows and prepared to travel downstream about a mile to St. Charles Marina. The purpose of the venture was to change props. It was a little windy on arrival and it took a couple of tries to get tied up in front of the lift. One of the employees helped with the dock lines. It was just 7:30, so there was a 30 minute wait before the port crew positioned the lift. They carefully moved our 35000#
6/9/08---Maryann drove to Memphis, TN. She will be gone for a few days. Her mission is to provide support to a good friend who is just starting treatments for breast cancer. Maryann is a very caring person and constantly stays in contact with a large number of people who have various health problems. Her background as a registered nurse makes her words of support very meaningful.
6/8/08—The Mississippi River continues to rise. The gage level at Grafton is 5 ½’ higher than it was a week ago. It is interesting to watch the changing view in the Woodland Marina as these floating docks rise to new levels. Lots of heavy rain has occurred in various parts of the Midwest which contributes to the flow. There has been lots of wind the past few days so we have stayed tied securely in our rented slip. It is laundry day, so we will go to town and perform a weekly duty.
6/6/08---Keith & Maryann slipped away to enjoy some privicay on their 42nd Wedding Anniversary
April 10-June 4, 2008---What an experience! The 4mcgees began moving on to our new 16' x 59' Gibson ho
March 14-16, 2008---What a great time the 4mcgees had at the Louisville, KY “National Houseboat Expo. Our new Gibson House boat was truly awesome to see in the show. It attracted many visitors and each of us very proudly discussed the finer points of the boat. Much of the interior was our design. The twin queen size beds in the master suite, separated by 2 closets turned out great. The beds each have an electric lift which tips the beds up to expose large storage areas. The open shelf with the large mirror in the hall area was a fine addition. The computer room located aft makes a great work area. The modified cuddy with a queen size bed and a special storage area with a shelf and drawers will work well for Carol’s sewing room. A hard top was installed over the stern area above the engine compartment. What a neat area this created with a sound system and lighting. This is the only 2008 model equipped with a hard top. It will be a swell area to sit in the evenings or early mornings. There will be four of us on the boat most of the time, so we had 4 TV's installed. That should be enough on in a 16' x 59' home! There are so many wonderful things it is difficult to describe. Scott Bachman with Wahoo Marine and Billy Brummet with Gibson Boats were great people to work with in creating our dream. The next step will be to return to Louisiana and start preparations to pack for moving onto the boat once it is delivered to Wahoo Marine in Saint Charles, Missouri and launched in the Mississippi River. The adventure begins!
Thanks for the blogs so we can have a naration of the wonderful activites that are going on so far. Makes us feel almost as if we wish we were there! NOT! HAHA. That water rising higher and higher scares me just a little bit I have to say! But we do miss you guys! The news this morning said the mississipi is predicted to start rising here by the end of next weekend. They arent sure what the affects of that will be here in Louisiana. Well have fun and we will talk to you soon! Love you guys!
Hey Guys
It sounds like you guys are having to much fun and relaxation on the houseboat. I thought that when you retired from one job you got another one did i get this wrong? If so tell me. I hope you guys continue to have fun and can't wait to see you guys again.
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