Oct. 2, 2010---From normal pool elevation of 302' below Smithland lock to normal pool above Emsworth lock of 710' at Pittsburgh, there is a change of 408'. That is the sum of the elevation change made possible by the 18 locks in that part of the Ohio River over a distance of 923 miles.
Total distance traveled on inland waterways this season was 2486 miles. Diesel fuel consumed by the twin 315 hp Yanmars was 2103 gallons. Total engine hours was 311.8 making average fuel usage 6.74 gallons per hour or 1.18 miles per gallon. Time spent warming up the engines the first start of the day, time waiting at locks and docking time reduces the average speed. Spent 164 days on the boat. Anchored out 7 times and made 2 soft landings. Went thru a total of 50 locks. Not easy to compare fuel consumption going up the Ohio as to coming back down. Going up river at 1800 rpm the speed was about 8.5 mph comsuming 5.9 gph. Down river at 1800 rpm the speed was about 10 mph with fuel consumption still 5.9 gph. This late in the season there was not as much helpful current as one might expect. There was conversation about so little rain the locks were considering going to a 2 hour schedule to reduce the number of times the lock would operate letting water go downstream. In other words water is being held back to maintain each of the pool levels. Overall the fuel consumption coming down was nearly as much as going up. Dodging debris going up and operating at lesser rpm's. Coming down the water was much cleaner and we pushed harder to get back. At 2300 rpm coming down river the speed was 11.5 mph consuming 10.5 gph. It has been a great boating season! May not have seen all the sights, but we sure saw a lot of them. The 4 McGees really had a good time. Would liked to have extended the boating season but we have some land obligations that need to be done. Meetings to attend and familiy to see.

Sunrise at Green Turtle Bay.

Commonwealth Yacht Club at the marina is a fine place to eat.

There are decorations all around the grounds.

Fall is definitely in the air as temperature tonight is expected to only be 42 degrees.